Creators to Get Payouts from Musk's Monetization Program for Twitter

Twitter announced on Monday that it will start paying creators a portion of the ad revenue that their tweets generate. The program, which is called "Creator First," is part of Elon Musk's plan to make Twitter a more creator-friendly platform.

To be eligible for the program, creators must have at least 10,000 followers and must be subscribed to Twitter Blue, Twitter's premium subscription service. Creators will also need to meet certain engagement criteria, such as having a certain number of impressions and engagements per month.

The amount of ad revenue that creators receive will be based on a number of factors, including the number of impressions and engagements their tweets generate, as well as the type of ads that are shown. Creators will also be able to see how much ad revenue they have earned in their Twitter Analytics dashboard.

Twitter said that it is still in the early stages of the program and that it is working to expand eligibility to more creators in the coming months. The company also said that it is open to feedback from creators on how to improve the program.

The launch of the Creator First program is a significant development for Twitter. It is a sign that the company is committed to supporting creators and making Twitter a more profitable platform for them. The program could also help to attract new creators to Twitter and encourage them to produce more high-quality content. 


The launch of the Creator First program could have a number of impacts on Twitter. It could help to attract new creators to the platform, encourage existing creators to produce more content, and make Twitter a more profitable platform for creators. The program could also help to improve the quality of content on Twitter, as creators will be incentivized to produce content that is engaging and generates ad revenue. 

   What's next?

Twitter said that it is still in the early stages of the Creator First program and that it is working to expand eligibility to more creators in the coming months. The company is also open to feedback from creators on how to improve the program.

It will be interesting to see how the Creator First program evolves in the coming months. If the program is successful, it could become a major source of revenue for Twitter and help to attract new creators to the platform.

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