All About Pentester Nepal: A Decade of Making Nepal Safer Online


Pentester Nepal was founded in 2013 by a group of security researchers and bug bounty hunters in Nepal. The group's goal was to create a platform for Nepali security enthusiasts to share knowledge and collaborate on security projects. 

The group quickly gained popularity, and today it has over 5.6k members. Pentester Nepal organizes regular meetups and workshops, and it also publishes a monthly newsletter with security news and updates. 

The group has played a significant role in raising awareness of cybersecurity in Nepal. It has helped to educate businesses and individuals about the importance of security, and it has also helped to identify and fix security vulnerabilities in Nepali websites and applications. 

2013: The community was founded by a group of security enthusiasts in Nepal. The founding members included Nabin Kc, Nirmal Dahal, Bishal Shrestha, Veshraj Ghimire, and others.

2014: Pentester Nepal begins to conduct research on cybersecurity trends and vulnerabilities.

2015:  Pentester Nepal begins to conduct research on cybersecurity trends and vulnerabilities.

2016: The group publishes its first blog website.

2017: The company started organizing security events and meetups in Nepal. They also started publishing security articles and research on their website.

2018: The company started offering penetration testing and security consulting services. They also started organizing bug bounty programs for Nepali companies.

2019: The company started growing rapidly. They expanded their team of security experts and started offering a wider range of security services.

2020: The company launched their Hall of Fame, which recognizes Nepali cybersecurity professionals who have made significant contributions to the field.

2021: The company launched their online learning platform, which provides training on various aspects of cybersecurity and launches a cybersecurity research lab. 



Successfully  Completed 5k member milestone facebook group & page.

Pentester Nepal organizes the Million Mask March event in Kathmandu.



Organized the 10th Anniversary of Pentester Nepal Conference.  The conference was held on August 5, 2023, in Kathmandu. The event featured talks by security experts from Nepal and around the world, as well as a CTF competition.


Launched the Pentester Nepal Scholarship Program. The scholarship program provides financial assistance to students who are interested in pursuing a career in cybersecurity

Partnered with CYESEC Ltd. to offer a Security Solutions Training Program. The program provides training on a variety of security topics, including penetration testing, vulnerability assessment, and incident response.

Pentester Nepal is committed to continuing their work in 2023 and beyond. They are working on a number of projects, including organizing more events, publishing more security reports, and providing more training and resources to the information security community in Nepal.

          🎉🎂🎊Pentester Nepal Celebrates 10th Anniversary🎉🎂🎊


Kathmandu, Nepal - Pentester Nepal, a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting cybersecurity in Nepal, is celebrating its 10th anniversary. The organization was founded in 2013 by a group of security enthusiasts who were passionate about making Nepal a safer place online.

Over the past 10 years, Pentester Nepal has grown to become one of the leading cybersecurity organizations in Nepal. The organization has a strong track record of providing training, education, and resources to help Nepali businesses and individuals protect themselves from cyber threats.

In addition to its training and education programs, Pentester Nepal also conducts research on cybersecurity trends and vulnerabilities. The organization's research has been featured in leading cybersecurity publications and has helped to raise awareness of cybersecurity issues in Nepal.

Pentester Nepal is also a leading advocate for the responsible use of hacking techniques. The organization believes that ethical hacking can be a valuable tool for improving cybersecurity, and it works to promote the responsible use of these techniques in Nepal.

To celebrate its 10th anniversary, Pentester Nepal is hosting a series of events from July 31st to August 5th. The events will include a virtual CTF, a physical CTF, security talks, and more.

The 10th anniversary of Pentester Nepal is a significant milestone for the organization and for the cybersecurity community in Nepal. The organization's work has helped to make Nepal a safer place online, and it continues to play a leading role in promoting cybersecurity in the country.

How to Get Involved with Pentester Nepal?

Attend meetups: Pentester Nepal regularly organizes meetups and events in Nepal. These events are a great way to learn about cybersecurity and meet other security professionals.

Volunteer: Pentester Nepal is always looking for volunteers to help with their work. You can volunteer to help with event planning, marketing, or other tasks.

Donate: Pentester Nepal is a non-profit organization, so your donations help to support their work. You can donate money or equipment to help them continue their important work.


Pentester Nepal is a leading cybersecurity comunity in Nepal. They have a team of experienced security experts who provide a wide range of security services. They are also committed to promoting cybersecurity awareness in Nepal.

The comunity has a long and successful history. They have helped to secure many Nepali organizations from cyberattacks. They have also trained thousands of Nepali security professionals.

Pentester Nepal is a valuable asset to the Nepali cybersecurity community. They are committed to making Nepal a more secure country.

If you are interested in cybersecurity and want to help make Nepal a more secure country, then you should consider getting involved with Pentester Nepal. There are many ways you can get involved, so there is sure to be something for everyone.

Thank you for reading!


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